A Guide for Families: Restoring Community Connections

No one expects to be affected by crime or tragedy

If you or someone you care for is affected by a critical event, you may experience a range of feelings:













Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society (ADVAS) will assist you with:

Domestic Assault

Sudden Death


Family Violence

Motor Vehicle Collisions

Break and Enter

Sexual Assault


Fire and more


Support, information and referals are available to you and your family intended to reduce the impact you may experience from a crime or tragedy



ADVAS will listen, comfort and support you when the RCMP request our services and during follow up calls. We come to your home, on scene or meet you at the RCMP detachment. ADVAS offers Court Support Services if you are required to make a court appearance.



You will be given information to help you with your immediate concerns, with your case and through the criminal justice system when charges are laid. ADVAS will ensure you receive timely information regarding:



Court Dates

Victim Impact Statement

Financial Benefits

Requesting Restitution

Crime Prevention

Enhanced RCMP Safety Planning




ADVAS will connect you with community supports and provide referral services with other community agencies and organizations such as:


Distress Center

Suicide Crisis Lines


Medical Examiner

Social Services

Child & Family Services

Other Victim
Assistance Units

and more




If you or someone you know is being abused, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Connect: Family and Child Abuse Network Everyone Information,
other links
Information on domestic abuse, relationship abuse and sexual abuse with a confidential hotline
Kids Help Phone Kids, Teens information, support Violence and Abuse, Bullying, Friends, Dating, Family, Sexual Orientation, School, Physical/Emotional Health, Internet, Money and Jobs. Confidential place for them to talk
Government of Alberta: Family Violence Prevention Everyone Information, other links Information on family violence and where to get help, list of emergency shelters, important numbers
Alberta Health Services: Alberta Childrens Hospital Parents Information, phone numbers Child Abuse Service
Canada Safety Council Everyone

Information, helpful tips

  • Traffic
  • child
  • workplace
  • home
  • senior
Minimize avoidable death, injury, and damage to property by devising, recognizing, encouraging and promoting methods and procedures leading to improved safety, protection and health among all persons in public and private places throughout Canada
Block Watch Everyone Information,
other links
personal safety, seniors, child, home, automobile safety, identity theft, graffiti/ vandalism



If you or someone you know is being impacted by addictions, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Alberta Health Services
209 Center Ave W Airdrie
Adults/Youth Counseling

Adult: Short-term adult outpatient treatment services include individual, family and group counselling for those with alcohol, other drug or gambling concerns

Youth: Dedicated to helping adolescents develop a lifestyle free from the abuse of alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and gambling. Work with youth, their families, key influencers, professionals and the larger community to address a full range of information, prevention and treatment concerns related to adolescents and addictions

Alcoholics Anonymous Calgary Everyone Information on where to find a meeting, numbers Calgary site for alcoholics anonymous
Calgary and Area Addiction Services Guide Everyone Information, directory Lists different addiction services for adult/youth/aboriginal etc and programs offered at each
Addiction No More Everyone Information, online referral system Information on different addictions, online referral connects addicts to support services near them
SORCe Vulnerable People Referrals Offers a one stop shop to communitiy agencies to vulnerable people (mental health, poverty, addictions)
Street Drugs Everyone Information Information about drugs and their effect on the body



If you or someone you know has been assaulted, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Kids Help Phone Kids, Teens information, support Violence and Abuse, Bullying, Friends, Dating, Family, Sexual Orientation, School, Physical/Emotional Health, Internet, Money and Jobs. Confidential place for them to talk
Canada Safety Council Everyone

Information, helpful tips

  • traffic
  • child
  • workplace
  • home
  • senior
Minimize avoidable death, injury, and damage to property by devising, recognizing, encouraging and promoting methods and procedures leading to improved safety, protection and health among all persons in public and private places throughout Canada
Block Watch Everyone Information, other links personal safety, seniors, child, home, automobile safety, identity theft, graffiti/ vandalism



If you or someone you know is being bullied, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Kids Help Phone Kids, Teens information, support Violence and Abuse, Bullying, Friends, Dating, Family, Sexual Orientation, School, Physical/Emotional Health, Internet, Money and Jobs. Confidential place for them to talk
Bullying Canada Victims Information, support and resources Information on types of bullying, how to deal with bullying, support people to talk to
Government of Alberta: Bully Free Alberta Parents/Teens (Victims) Information, other links Preventing bullying and information for those who are or know someone who is being bullied
National Crime Prevention Council Parents Information, other links What parents can do, teaching kids about bullying, advice for kids
Government of Alberta: Calgary and Area Child and Family Services Everyone Information, other links, numbes Provide a wide range of services to strengthen families and keep children and youth safe and protected
B-Free Youth Information, videos, numbers, other links Government of Alberta website with information on bullying and how to stand up to bullies
Teamheros Kids (elementary) Information, videos, numbers Kid site for bullyfreealberta.ca
Stand Up 2 Bullying Everyone Information, tips bullying defined, tips for parents, school and quizzes for kids
KidsHealth: Bullying Everyone Information, personal accounts Helping kids deal with bullies, site for parents, kids and teens
Stop Bullying Everyone Information American Site but lots of good information for parents on how to talk to kids about it
CyberBullying Everyone (parents) Information, other links Tips on how to prevent cyberbullying
Canada Safety Council Everyone

Information, helpful tips

  • traffic
  • child
  • workplace
  • home
  • senior
Minimize avoidable death, injury, and damage to property by devising, recognizing, encouraging and promoting methods and procedures leading to improved safety, protection and health among all persons in public and private places throughout Canada
Block Watch Everyone Information, other links personal safety, seniors, child, home, automobile safety, identity theft, graffiti/ vandalism




If you or someone you know has been impacted by death and grief, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Kids Help Phone Kids, Teens information, support Violence and Abuse, Bullying, Friends, Dating, Family, Sexual Orientation, School, Physical/Emotional Health, Internet, Money and Jobs. Confidential place for them to talk
GriefWorks Parents Information, other links Information for parents on children grieving
The Compassionate Friends of Canada Parents FAQs, information Supporting a family after a child dies Location in Calgary
Mothers In Sympathy and Support Parents Information in blog format Support for those who have lost a child during pregnancy, birth, infancy or early childhood
GriefWords Everyone Information: Articles and Stories Articles providing guidance and direction for anyone touched by grief. Helping self, others, children and teens affected by grief as well as information on funerals, crematoriums ect.
Grief Support Services: Calgary Victims Information, support numbers Individual counselling, grief support groups and education
Hospice Calgary Victims Information, support numbers Support Groups and Counseling: youth (up to 18) and their parents through life threatening illness and anticipated, sudden or accidental death
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Victims Information, other links role of the medical examiner
Canada Pension Plan Survivors Pension Survivor Information Provides a monthly pension to the surviving spouse, common-law partner or children of a deceased contributor. Information on eligibility and how to apply
Twinless Twins Victims Information, support Support group from Eastern Canada
Centre for loss in multiple birth (CLIMB) Victims Information, support Reading materials from people who have experienced the loss of a twin,
Focus Helps Everyone Information, other links Bible based support for those dealing with a loss
Grief Share Everyone Information, support Grief Recovery Support Groups (several located in Calgary) Christian based
Share: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Everyone Information Good brochures on early pregnency loss, stillbirth, loss of a newborn, understanding the grief process
Grief Recovery Online for all Bereaved Everyone Online Support Chatroom open to anyone seeking grief recovery support in the online world
Alive Alone Parents Information Death of a child: suggestions to take care of self, answering questions, handling friends/relatives
Babysteps- Bereavement Everyone Information, support Help those who have lost a child, have bereavment sharing rooms, remembrance rooms and resource room
Pet Loss Pet Owners Information, support, other links Website for pet owners who are grieving over the death of a pet or an ill pet
Association for Pet Loss and Bereavment Website Pet Owners Information Information on grieving, talking to kids about pet loss, euthanaisa
Pet Loss Support Page Pet Owners Information, support Lots of information on preparing for pet death and how to cope after.



If you or someone you know is been impacted by domestic violence, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Connect: Family and Child Abuse Network Everyone Information, hotline Information on domestic abuse, relationship abuse and sexual abuse with a confidential hotline
Alberta Council of Women's Shelters Victims Information 1-866-331-3933 (to find shelter nearest you or for more information)
Government of Alberta: Family Violence Prevention Everyone Information, other links Information on family violence and where to get help, list of emergency shelters, important numbers
Calgary Domestic Violence Collective Everyone Information, Support, other links Information on leaving/staying in abusive relationships, help numbers, links to shelters
Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter Everyone Information, other links Information on how to get and give help, important numbers
Sonshine Community Services Website: Everyone

Counseling: Victims
Information, Support, other links One-year residential facility with counseling and supportive services for women and children fleeing domestic violence, provides a safe place for women and children to live during a time of transition; also services for those not in the program: counseling, safety planning, assistance in accessing community resources; Community and family services: provides individuals and couples in Calgary access to professional counselors
YWCA Calgary Victims Information, programs Link goes to "the places" Sheriff King Home emergency shelter for women; "the programs" lists many counselling programs offered at the YWCA
Calgary Humane Society Victims Information, numbers Emergency Pet Boarding- referred by a social worker, police, ems or fire.
Home Front Calgary Victims Information, other links Breaking the cycle of domestic violence
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association Victims Support, other links Recognizes, responds and focuses on the unique concerns and needs of immigrant/refugee women, girls and their families
Government of Alberta: Calgary and Area Child and Family Services Everyone Information, other links, numbers Provides a wide range of services to strengthen families and keep children and youth safe and protected
Government of Alberta: Children and Youth Everyone Information, other links, numbers Family violence information hotline, goal of family violence prevention
Kerby Center for the 55+ Seniors Information, numbers Shelter information and support for older adults
Women's Centre of Calgary Women Information Helping women have their basic needs met, domestics if women leaving and need help
Peer Support Services for Abused Women Women Information, support programs For women who are, or are at risk of, experiencing abuse, "moving on with mentors" individual support to women who are attempting to leave an abusive relationship
Inn From The Cold Families Information, Support For those who are experiencing homelessness due to a domestic violence situation (as well as other circumstances) try to get families into housing and connect to other resources- emergency shelter
Alberta Works Low Income, Unemployed, Victim of DV Financial Aid Offers employment services, income support, health benefits, training supports, & financial support for Albertans feeing abusive situations
Department of Justice Canada Parents Information A guide to parenting arrangements after seperation or divorce
Department of Justice Canada Parents Information A step by step guide to outline how parents will raise their children after seperation or divorce



If you or someone you know is being abused, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Alberta Elder Abuse Awareness Network Seniors Information, support, other numbers/links Network dedicated to increasing awareness and supporting a community response to elder abuse
Kerby Center for the 55+ Seniors Information, numbers Shelter for older adults, helps older people who are abused
Government of Alberta: Senior Supports through Alberta Health Seniors Information Abuse prevention, fraud awareness, financial assistance
Government of Alberta- Addressing Elder Abuse Seniors Information, fact sheets Facts on elder abuse, help for victims of crime, crime prevention, important numbers
Calgary Seniors Resource Society Seniors Information, phone numbers CSRS Outreach Workers assist hundreds of seniors per month with things like pensions and benefits, housing and home care support, or personal/family crisis
Alzheimers Society Anyone living with or caring for someone with dementia. Information, Referrals, Research News, Connect with Others Offers programs & services for dealing with dementia or Alzheimer's
Service Canada Seniors, Family Financial information What every older Canadian should know about POWERS OF ATTORNEY (for financial matters and property) and Joint Bank Accounts
Seniors Guidebook to Safety and Security Seniors, Family Information This information is directed towards the community and, more specifically, seniors and their care givers in recognizing elder abuse, safety concerns, frauds, and scams.



If you or someone you know is  struggling with family relationships and communication, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Woods Homes Everyone Information, support numbers serving children and their families; crisis and counselling; 24/7 Community Response Team; Eastside Family Center- walk in counselling
Parent Support Association Parents Information, support, other links Parents helping parents to navigate conflict with their teens and youth through professionally-guided peer group programs and services.  PSA provides self-help support groups, parent education and resources
Cornerstone of Hope Parents Information on programs, other links Rainbow program: support for children (also programs for adolescents) Divorce Care: support groups for parents going through a separation. Just Me & The Kids: building healthy single parent families (Bible based)
Alberta Network for Safe and Healthy Children Everyone Information, other links Information for parents on children exposed to family violence, infant crying, and positive disciplines
Deal.org Youth (plus a parent site) Information, education, other links, prevention Aims to help youth realize their full potential by promoting positive relationships with family, friends and members of the community. Main goal is to provide resources to help youth make healthy, informed lifestyle choices and to encourage youth to think critically about issues and get involved in their communities. Parent site includes tips for how to talk to youth
Canada Safety Council Everyone

Information, helpful tips

  • traffic
  • child
  • workplace
  • home
  • senior
Minimize avoidable death, injury, and damage to property by devising, recognizing, encouraging and promoting methods and procedures leading to improved safety, protection and health among all persons in public and private places throughout Canada
Block Watch Everyone Information, other links personal safety, seniors, child, home, automobile safety, identity theft, graffiti/ vandalism
Hull Family Services Kids, Teens, Families Behavioral & Mental Health Services Prevention, early intervention, counselling, residential & out patient treatment for struggling families & children.
Department of Justice Canada Parents Information A guide to parenting arrangements after seperation or divorce
Department of Justice Canada Parents Information A step by step guide to outline how parents will raise their children after seperation or divorce



If you or someone you know has been impacted by a residential fire,  the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Red Cross Victims Information What to do immediately after a fire, recovering emotionally, basic steps, helping pets, cleaning up, recovering financially
Red Cross Canada Victims Information How the Red Cross can help a family after a disaster, their number for house fire assistance
Staying Alive Everyone (special kid zone) Information, games Information for teaching kids how to stay safe in a house fire, tips for preventing fires and what to do if/when there is a fire



If you or someone you know has been a victim of a crime, the following links may be of interest to you.  For further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Government of Alberta: Solicitor General and Public Security Everyone Information General website
Canadian Resource Center for Victims of Crime Everyone Information Deals with rights, services and financial assistance
Financial Benefits Victims   Online Financial Benefits Pamphlet and Applications for both Injury and Death
Restitution Victims   Online Restitution Phamphlet
Victim Impact Statement Victims   Online Victim Impact Statement Phamplet and Statement form
Victims of Crime Protocol Crime Victims   Online Protocol Booklet
Policy center for victim issues (department of justice) ADVAS and Victims Information, other links Publications and products section contains relevant information on the justice system, federal corrections and parole, youth justice system.
Victims Services at Correctional Service Canada Victims Information. Other links Program seeks to provide victims of federal offenders with timely information about the offender who harmed them



If you or someone you know has been impacted by a homicide, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner Victims Information, other links Role of the medical examiner
Canadian Parents of Murdered Children Parents Information, other links Survivor Support Information, bottom link is for homicide survivors: dealing with grief
Victims of Homicide Victims Information Families coping with death by violence. Edmonton based for group support
Canadian Parents of Murdered Children Families of murdered children. Ongoing support when the judicial process is complete. Survivor support information
If the Media Calls: A guide for Crime Victims & Survivors Crime Victims & Survivors Information This Guide is intended to help crime victims and survivors work effectively and comfortably with the media (or to decline to do so). Interacting with the media following victimization is a significant decision for crime victims as media exposure can positively or negatively impact your recovery process.




If you or someone you know is being impacted by mental health issues, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Canadian Mental Health Association: Calgary Everyone Information, programs, other links Connection to specialized services, information, support groups, health care providers and other resources
Got A Brain Youth Information, resources, other links Mental Disorders, Suicide/Self harm, stress, how/where to get help
Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health Seniors Education, Resources There are guides for families/ those interested in mental health
Bluewave: Its ok to be blue Youth Information, resources Helping youth deal with mental health issues; info on anxiety, depression and substance abuse
SORCe Vulnerable people Referrals Offers a one stop shop to communitiy agencies to vulnerable people (mental health, poverty, addictions)




If you or someone you requires information regarding missing children, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Missing Kids Secondary Victims Information, support and resources Offer families support in finding their missing child and provide education materials to help prevent children from going missing
RCMP Our Missing Kids Secondary Victims Information Help prevent child abductions and find missing children
Missing Children Society of Canada Everyone Information, support, other links Information on missing children, what to do etc
RCMP National Missing Children Service Everyone Information Help prevent child abductions, assist parents/ law enforcement/ NGOs to find missing children
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Everyone Information, resources Serve as resource on the issues of missing and sexually exploited children
Federal Income Support for Parents of Murdered or Missing Children grant Parents Financial grant

This website provides information on whether a parent(s) is eligible to receive the PMMC (Parents of Murdered or Missing Children) income support grant.

A Guide for Community Leaders: Re-establishing Safety within a Community Community Leader Information This information is directed towards community leaders in the event a child of the community has been victimized.
A Guide for Families: Restoring Community Connections Families of Missing Children Information Explores what you need to do, potential impact on children, behavoirs you may observe in your child, and things to do to help your child process the situation when an abduction or other trauma has happened in your community.
A Guide for Families: How to respond to a child abduction that has occurred within your community Families of Missing Children Advice Information on what parents can do and how they may be feeling when a child abduction has happened within a community.




If you or someone you know If you or someone you requires information regarding internet safety, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Text ED Teens Information Teaching teens how to text safely and responsibly
Canadian Center for Child Protection Everyone Information, resources, other links Personal safety of all children, goal is to prevent child victimization by providing programs and services to Canadians
Cyber Crimes Parents Information, other links Protection of children through online reporting of child sexual exploitation; cybertip’s primary function is to receive and address online and telephone reports from the public regarding: child pornography, online luring, child exploitation through prostitution, travelling to sexually exploit children, child trafficking
National Crime Prevention Council Everyone Information bullying, cell phone safety, conflict resolution, cyberbullying, disaster preparedness, drug abuse, fraud/identity theft, gang violence, hate crime, home/ neighborhood safety ect.)
Respect Yourself Teens Information Information for teens using the internet- specifically sending pictures via technology
The Door That’s Not Locked Everyone Information: download age specific brochures Resources and tools to help children (5-15) be safe online
GetNetWise Parents Information, other links How to keep your computer safe, keeping kids safe online, protecting yourself in the online world
Block Watch Everyone Information, other links personal safety, seniors, child, home, automobile safety, identity theft, graffiti/ vandalism
Online Safety - Kids
Online Safety - Teens
Parents information, other links Online Safety and civility, information for parents keepings kids/teens safe on the internet (noteworthy: online safety contract)
Government of Alberta Youth Information, other links Help children and teens find helpful information about safe and responsible Internet usage
ThinkUKnow Everyone: Youth 5-16 and parents Information Aims to make kids safer online and teaches parents how to talk to their kids about being safer online



If you or someone you know has been impacted by a sexual offence, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Connect: Family and Child Abuse Network Everyone Information, hotline, other links Information on domestic abuse, relationship abuse and sexual abuse with a confidential hotline
Calgary Sexual Health Center Everyone Information, support, numbers Counselling, sexual education, information on a wide variety of topics
Calgary Communities Agianst Sexual Abuse Everyone Information, support, hotlines Primary sexual violence service for Calgary and surrounding areas, support hotlines and peer support services
Airdrie Regional Health Center: Sexual and Reproductive Health Everyone Information, phone numbers Walk-ins: STI/HPV/Syphillus testing, pregnancy tests, emergency contraception etc.
Calgary Sexual Assault Response Team Everyone Information, phone numbers Sheldon M Chumi Clinic: Comprehensive care to individuals who have experienced sexual assault or abuse within the last 72 hours
Mothers of Sexually Abused Children Mothers Information, support, resources, other links designed specifically for mothers who have experienced the sexual abuse of one of their children
Information Guide for Victims of Sexual Assault Everyone Information What to do, what to expect from the justice system, court/trial, financial benefits
Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services Everyone Information, other links Self care, tell or not, need help now, support guides, section for men assaulted
Kids In the Know Everyone (Parents) Information, resources (activities) An interactive safety education program for inceasing the personal safety of children and reducing their risk of sexual exploitation
Commit To Kids Parents, organizations Information, resources Program designed to help organizations create a safe environment for children (preventing child sexual abuse) step by step plan to help prevent sexual abuse from happening



If you or someone you know may be impacted by suicide, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Center for Suicide Prevention Everyone Education, Information Equips individuals/organizations with info, knowledge, skills necessary to respond to the risk of suicideā€¦ "In crisis" click here leads to suicidepervention.ca
Kids Help Phone Kids, Teens information, support Violence and Abuse, Bullying, Friends, Dating, Family, Sexual Orientation, School, Physical/Emotional Health, Internet, Money and Jobs. Confidential place for them to talk
Canadian Asspciation for Suicide Prevention Everyone Information, support, resources Help for people thinking of commiting suicide and survivors of suicide
Your Life Counts Everyone Information, online supprot Support/ information for those thinking of suicide, how to help for supporters, support for survivors.
Befrienders Worldwide Everyone Information, support, other links Emotional support to those thinking of suicide, information on suicide, support for bereaved
Metanoia Those thinking of suicide Information, support, Information on how to get help when thinking of suicide, additional information on suicide and coping
Alliance of Hope Survivors Information, support helping support those grieving loss by suicide
GriefWorks Survivors Information, other links Information on emotional side of surviving suicide
Suicide.org Anyone Information If you are suicidal, have attempted suicide, or are a suicide survivor, you will find help, hope, comfort, understanding, support, love, and extensive resources here.



If you or someone you know needs a crisis support line, legal guidance or LGBTQ support, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Airdrie Food Bank Anyone Local Food Bank Information The Airdrie Food Bank collects & distributes food to thosein need and educates the community on hunger related issues.
Airdrie Meals on Wheels Seniors,persons recovering from illness or injury, persons with special needs, those whose caregivers are temporarily are away Program Information Airdrie Meals on Wheels Society is a non-profit society that has provided nutritious meals to the citizens of Airdrie since 1983.
Big Brothers, Big Sisters Anyone wishing to become a mentor or looking for a mentor Program Information Big Brothers Big Sisters serving Airdrie and Rocky View County is founded on mentoring as a proven strategy for child and youth resiliency, future orientation and social support.
Boys & Girls Club of Airdrie Children, Youth, & Families Program Information To provide a safe, supportive place where children and youth can experience new opportunities, overcome barriers, build positive relationships and develop confidence and skills for life.
Distress Center Everyone Hotline, Support Confidential crisis line
Connect Teen Youth Hotline Confidential peer support service for youth in the Calgary area
North Rockyview Community Links Everyone Information, support, other links Provides support and services to individuals and families in Airdrie and surrounding areas
Kids Help Phone Kids, Teens information, support Violence and Abuse, Bullying, Friends, Dating, Family, Sexual Orientation, School, Physical/Emotional Health, Internet, Money and Jobs. Confidential place for them to talk
Calgary Immigrant Women's Association Women Support, other links Recognizes, responds and focuses on the unique concerns and needs of immigrant/refugee women, girls and their families
Calgary Counselling Center Everyone Support, program information Affordable counselling services
Calgary Legal Guidance Victims Information, legal guidance Family Issues, Criminal Issues, Civil Issues, Restraining/Protection Orders, Social Benefit Issues (AISH, EI, CPP)
Legal Aid Alberta Victims Information Provide cost effective legal services for Albertans in need
Inform Alberta Everyone Directory- other links Bringing people and services together- online service directory
Direct to Tenant Rent Supplemental Program Low Income Information, numbers Government subsidy to help cover rent costs, must be deemed an eligible candidate
If the Media Calls: A guide for Crime Victims & Survivors Crime Victims & Survivors Information This Guide is intended to help crime victims and survivors work effectively and comfortably with the media (or to decline to do so). Interacting with the media following victimization is a significant decision for crime victims as media exposure can positively or negatively impact your recovery process.
Calgary Outlink: Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity LGBTT2Q Information, support, resources Support groups for those who are LBGTT2Q
YouthSafe LGBTT2Q Information, support, resources Violence prevention services for LGBT, counseling services tailored to LGBT



If you or someone you know has been impacted by pet abuse, the following links may be of interest to you. The information on these links are not comprehensive or intended to take the place of your formal and informal support systems. If you require further assistance, please feel free to call Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society at 403-945-7290.

Website Name Who is this for? Type of Support Description
Canadian Veterinary Medical Association Everyone Information Info on the link between animal abuse and child/partner abuse as well as signs of animal abuse
Canadian Federation of Humane Societies Everyone Information The violence link, effects, what they can do, safety planning for pets and people
Alberta Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Everyone Information, other links The violence link, downloaded documents on animal violence
Calgary Humane Society Victims Information, numbers Emergency Pet Boarding- referred by a social worker, police, ems or fire.
National Link Coalition Everyone Information, other links The violence link, what to do ect