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ADVAS / Be Like Jake Awards

Be Like Jake Awards

After a successful first year in 2020, we at Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society are bringing back the Be Like Jake Awards

2020 Honourees

These awards recognize those who are living Like Jake, who works everyday to make our community a better place to live and grow together as the only professionally trained Trauma Dog in our area. Jake serves his community through his work, and he also uses his downtime to get to know his neighbours and to be there for those who need a listening ear or a hug. Jake loves Airdrie and Rocky View County, and loves being an important part of our victims service unit.

Last year, awards were given to Airdrie Project Linus, Dale Rathgeber, Fraserway RV, Shawna T., SORSO, and Jon Graham with Against All Abuse. We are grateful for all of the nominations received, and congratulate all of last year’s winners.

This year, we will recognize those who are helping people in our community in the following categories:

Pet of the Year
Our pets are our family, and often they become members of extended families. We want to hear about a pet - yours or someone else’s - that has been there for someone who needed them this year. 
Individual - Supporting Family or Friends
Family and friends who are good at listening and being there for their loved ones make a big difference in the lives of people who are living through challenges. We want to hear great stories about amazing Natural Supports - the people who knew what was needed and how to say the right things.

Individual - Strengthening Community
People give to their communities in so many ways. Some will volunteer, others will inspire and engage with community members and ideas that help us to heal and advance. Please, tell us a story about someone who has given of themselves to benefit our community.

Individual - Impactful Work
People can make their communities better through their work. Going beyond just showing up and punching the clock, these are people in all professions, in all businesses and on all teams, who work hard everyday to use their time at work to make life better - always having a polite greeting and a listening ear, or taking the stress out of chaotic situations (we are thinking of unplanned home repairs….), or by working directly in service to the community - like clinicians, social workers, law enforcement, and so many others. There are so many ways that we can use our work to make better days - tell us about your experience, please.

Group - Impacftul Group or Non-Profit Organization
The communities served by ADVAS also benefit from many impactful social, community, faith, and non-profit groups. Whether they have staff, volunteers, or are just an informal group of caring people - we want to recognize the groups that are helping our communities.

Business - Supporting Employees
The last year has placed an incredible amount of stress on businesses and employees. While we all struggled, at least a little bit, through the pandemic - some businesses chose to prioritize their team members. They listened intently, provided supports, and made decisions to benefit their teams. We want to acknowledge these businesses and their leaders, and thank them for being a good example to others.

Business - Strengthening Community
Businesses can strengthen community through donations and sponsorship, group volunteerism, using their platforms to raise awareness, and by making decisions that use company resources to benefit the community. We want to hear stories about the businesses you respect for making an impact so that we can also appreciate their contributions to our community.

Awards Criteria:

Timeline: The Nominee needs to have been active in their category since September 1, 2020. That means that the person, group, or business needs to have Been Like Jake in the last year. 

Location: The Nominee needs to have Been Like Jake in one or more of the communities served by Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society (this means Airdrie and Rocky View County).

Publication: The names and details of nominations will be published as part of this program. 

Awards Event: Awards will be announced on September 11, 2021.


Nomination Period: Nominations are open for 7 weeks, beginning on July 11, 2021. Nominations will close on August 29, 2021.

Review and Decisions: The team at Airdrie and District Victims Assistance Society will review all nominations, and will determine which nominees to award this year.

Notification: Nominees will be notified by email within 7 days of being nominated, and will be invited to the Be Like Jake event on September 11, 2021.