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ADVAS / Media  / Be Like Jake 🐾


Be Like Jake 🐾

This month on our Facebook page, we are talking all about Jake and how he is enjoying his time in our community.

Discover Airdrie published a great feature article about the campaign - check it out.

From the article:

“Sometimes, the goodness and kindness that’s shown by animals can really inspire we humans.  

Take Jake, the Airdrie and District Victim’s Assistance Society’s trauma dog.  Jake has lived in Airdrie for just a year now but he’s already helped countless people who have had to testify in court, been victims of domestic violence or who have been traumatized in some other way.  ADVAS believes Jake is so inspiring, they’re hoping you’ll become like him by helping others in the community.

The Be Like Jake campaign is a community initiative that hopes to shed a light on some of the good things and positivity that has gone on, and is continuing to do so, through this very trying year.  Fund Development Coordinator with ADVAS Conor Tapp says Jake is the inspiration for the campaign.”  

Read the full article.